Booking Terms and Conditions:

When you make your booking at or should you make your booking over the telephone or email, then you are agreeing to the terms and conditions, set out below, once a deposit or full payment has been received.

You are also agreeing to our Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement. (A copy will be given to you for completion before you undertake your event).

No persons under the age of 16 are permitted to attend any Ghost Investigation Events, unless prior agreement has been sought in writing. Some restrictions apply for certain locations that require persons be 18 and older and will be identified in the product description.

To ensure your safety at our events, we regret that women who are in their final trimester of pregnancy are unable to attend.
Unless otherwise stated there are no sleeping facilities at our events.

SPIRIT operates a zero tolerance policy; no alcohol or drugs are permitted on any of our events unless alcoholic beverages are specified in the description of the event. If anyone appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or is suspected of bringing either drugs or alcohol to the event; they will be asked to leave immediately and will not be refunded for any part of monies paid for the event.

SPIRIT will use their own discretion and have the ultimate decision to evict anyone whom they consider to be behaving in an inappropriate manner.

SPIRIT accepts no responsibility for any clothing, equipment, damage to vehicle, parking fines, clamping of vehicles. All property and effects belonging to you are your responsibility and SPIRIT would urge you to protect your property and keep all said articles safe whilst attending an event.

In the event of severe adverse weather conditions SPIRIT reserves the right to cancel an event. We will provide as much notice to our guests prior to traveling to the location. However, if the weather is such that any member of SPIRIT is unable to reach the event then we will deem the event inaccessible and therefore the event will be cancelled.

When any part of our events occurs in the open air, it will be affected by weather conditions, as guests you are responsible for ensuring you have suitable clothing and footwear for differing weather conditions.

There are strict laws on smoking indoors and SPIRIT does not allow any guests or staff to smoke or to bring any naked flames into an event, we do not allow candles inside our events. Should you wish to smoke, then you are requested to smoke in the designated smoking area.

SPIRIT does not take any responsibility for any damage caused by spiritual or poltergeist activity during the event.

There are occasions when events are cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of SPIRIT. If the event is cancelled then you will be eligible for a full refund of monies paid to SPIRIT for the event that you booked. However, if the event is rescheduled Spirit holds to their discretion any limitations on refunds requested. SPIRIT will make every diligent effort to notify guests via the information provided if an event is cancelled. SPIRIT will not refund any expenses incurred due to the cancellation of an event, this includes travel and hotel expenses.

Flash cameras ARE permitted however certain locations, such as those with protected tapestries, may have rules restricting photography in certain areas. You will be made aware of these on the night of your event and these restrictions are to be adhered to at all times.

SPIRIT reminds all guests that they are attending the event at their own risk. SPIRIT accepts no liability for any accident, injury or incident to a guest however it may have been caused. SPIRIT attempts to foresee any potential problems, hazards and dangers in order to eliminate them before an event, or where necessary will include information on hazardous areas during the health and safety talk at the start of the event. Due to the nature of the events and locations accidents can still happen. All guests are encouraged to have their own third party liability insurance.

SPIRIT recommends that due to the lateness of some of our investigations ending that you make arrangements to ensure that you are not too tired to drive, and perhaps book into a hotel or guest house prior to this event.

SPIRIT will endeavor to ensure that your time spent at the location reflects the times stated, unless there are good reasons as to why this can’t be achieved, we reserve the right to end an event early should the there be a legitimate reason. If this is the case, then SPIRIT will not offer a refund.

SPIRIT only uses responsible and reputable mediums and paranormal investigators. However, they can only offer you their own perspective/explanation and this should be considered when deciphering information. You are responsible for making your own decisions about what you are experiencing and should act according to your own beliefs and not the beliefs of others. SPIRIT recognizes that statements are the sole opinion of the medium, host and investigator and are not a reflection of SPIRIT policies, opinions or beliefs. There are no guarantees in relation to what is truth and what may be an offered opinion.
Each guest will act in a responsible manner and will respect the needs of others. Guests will not cause harm or injury to anyone else or put himself, herself or anyone else in danger. Guests will respect the nature of the event and will behave accordingly.

Some of our locations are not suitable for clients with disabilities. SPIRIT values all of our clients and we aim to make as many of our events as accessible as possible, but unfortunately due to the conditions of some of the buildings this may not always be possible. If you would like any further information or would like to discuss an event for accessibility then please contact us via email at

SPIRIT holds all of our events at locations that have demonstrated paranormal activity that has been witnessed and recorded by ourselves and others. With this in mind we are unable to guarantee what activity may occur during your event. This may be minimal or very intense resulting in injury to yourself or your clothing due to paranormal activity. Spirit accepts no responsibility for whatever may occur as a result of paranormal activity. Spirit also accepts no responsibility if minimal or no activity is experienced at one of our events.

These terms and conditions are non-negotiable and your booking of an event with SPIRIT demonstrates your acceptance by you, the guest / client.
SPIRIT may at times record events for our records. The footage taken may be used by us as a promotional video and appear on the internet. By purchasing your ticket to an event you agree to allowing the use of your image for promotional and profitable gain on the part of SPIRIT.

SPIRIT sometimes streams live webcams directly from the venue itself, by attending our event you provide your acceptance to this.

All outstanding monies for the event must be paid at least 14 days before the event date, if not already done so. If payment is not made within this time then it will be acknowledged that you have decided not to attend the event, and your deposit has been lost

SPIRIT can cancel an event at any time for any reason at our discretion.
SPIRIT has the right to cancel an event if not enough guests have booked to make the event financially viable to operate.
If we have to cancel, SPIRIT will inform you as soon as reasonably possible in a diligent manner according to the information you provide at your booking. If the guest/client does not receive notification for a reason of their own (not checking email, providing faulty information, not checking voicemail, etc), SPIRIT will not assume responsibility.

In these circumstances, all guests will be eligible for a full refund of any money paid to us for the event.
You can request that your booking is moved to another SPIRIT event of your choice (of comparable price).
We have no other liability to you.

It is your responsibility at the time of booking to ensure that you are able to make the event.
SPIRIT will not offer a refund if you are unable to attend.

Locations that we hold events are paid in advance and we are liable for these costs.
All deposit payments and full payments are non-refundable.

If you have made full payment and are unable to attend, if you provide us with at least 14 days notice then you will be offered a chance to transfer your current payment toward another event.

If you have paid the full ticket price in full you are permitted to transfer your ticket to a third party, provided you supply SPIRIT with their full details.
By receiving a ticket from a guest that has previously fully paid you are then governed to these terms and conditions in this document.
In extenuating circumstances and solely at the discretion of SPIRIT, there may be occasions where we are able to offer a refund, if SPIRIT decides to make this offer, then it can only be provided if there is not less than Fourteen (14) days left until the event.

If you feel that you may experience a problem with your booking with SPIRIT, then it is advisable to contact us directly via email or facebook.

SPIRIT wants all of our guests to enjoy our Events and to feel safe.

One disruptive guest can have an adverse effect on every person at an event. We would therefore ask you to read the terms and conditions in this policy.
There is a strict behavior code on all SPIRIT events.

No behavior will be tolerated that has a detrimental impact on the event or any of the other guests. Any behavior deemed inappropriate or dangerous will be dealt with swiftly and the person or persons concerned will be automatically removed from the event regardless of any transport difficulties or any adverse weather conditions.

This is your event - ENJOY IT!